Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

cause teen pregnancy

Causes of Teen Pregnancy outside of Marriage

The problems often faced by adolescents are as follows:

1. Lack of parental affection
Adolescence is a time of dire need extra love and attention from parents and even other people. So when the parents lack of attention for various reasons one is busy with work. This causes a child looking for love outside their house to the opposite sex and relationships. Due to the lack of parental affection they will ask a great affection from her partner and the partner will provide any requested.

2. Lack of parental supervision of children
The indifference of parents towards their children every activity because of busy with the affairs of his work has resulted in each child is free to do whatever he wants because there are no rules, guidance and even parental attention given to their children. However, not only that, but that too much oversight is also not good for children's development because it will feel constrained so prefer to rebel and ignore the regulations given their parents.

3. Association with friends who are not peers
Peer groups provide an environment, which is a world where teenagers can socialize with prevailing values. No longer a value set by adults by friends. And place in the framework of teens discover herself.
Friends do not peer is a friend who does not age either younger or older than the teenager. If the child is hanging out with friends who are not peers are not directly follow the pattern of thought to follow them. Penetrated into the mindset of a pattern of behavior that tends to be harsh. For example, there are teenagers who hang out with younger people, must he be thinking as the most correct, smart and powerful. This is what makes his adherence to what he was told because there are feelings of fear or discomfort.
People say a lot of hanging out with older people will be able to add to the experience of life. That statement is not wrong if it  people who invited friends of the good people in terms of a mind, behavior, and a good heart. But the teenagers who hang out with older people is even more dangerous if the person is incorrect or sloppy, thinking adults who have a greater sex drive could wreak on innocent teenagers who are still without being able to resist. Although it can resist anything but a time will surely melt as well.

4. The role of science and technology developments that impact negatively
Contemporary science and technology has advanced, with technology coupled with the utilization of people who are not responsible. One is the use of social networking facebook. From the social networking arena of interaction that should be made or new friends, but cases of fraud or abuse to kidnapping a teenager. Initially is to get acquainted then invited  and  meet was not uncommon to end up with the rape and even murder.
Not only facebook, internet, television, VCD, magazines, etc. that smell is also confused used science and technology as a medium that is not feasible shown, for example pornoografi and porno-action which is clearly shown through the media. This is why teenagers are curious and want to practice it, without thinking first.

5. The lack of talent and media distributors her hobby
Talents possessed a teenager will not be stored and routed in the absence of media talent and hobby dealers. This is what causes them to look for activities that are less obvious, such as hanging, hanging out, dating, and so forth.

6. The basics of religion are less
Planting small religion that is less than this causes the faith of a teenager easily deterred, because of the actually educated religious instruction could also falter. They don't care religious rules because of the influence of foreign cultures that have influenced their thinking. For example, the POP of western culture is more compelling them to imitate the manners than eastern cultures.

7. There's no personality in the school guidance or college
School or college only serves as a formal educational services only, without providing media consulting for the student or students that when it is necessary, because adolescence is a period fraught with problems other than that teens also need guidance to find his true identity.

8. Freedom of excessive
Teens in desperate need of what he considers his freedom, but if too freely it is also not good. Record will arbitrarily without thinking about what will happen because the teen had a huge selfishness.

9. The problem is buried
Teenagers are usually embarrassed to tell her parents because of the problem on with reason ashamed and so on. What matters if the teenager does not want to talk with his friends. The problem will always pile up in his heart without any settlement and is the cause of teen depression and stress.

10. Association with a deviant partner
Association here means a relationship, so the intent of this point is the relationship that deviates by a couple who have not formally establish the bonds of marriage. It originated from the name of courtship normally, then in this process happens a lot of deviation and according to Islamic names could be called adultery although adultery is not the truth. Due to the eyes, speech, and the heart can be said of adultery in Islam.
11. Anti-social behavior
Current teen promiscuity is notice not in accordance with the regulations that exist in community. And oddly enough it illegitimate rule be ordinary things without guilt let alone deterrent. Even proud of that behavior.

1 komentar:

  1. backgroundnya bagus, hanya teksnya kurang kontras. lalu, namanya jangan sulit-sulit, cukup your first name ditambah angka, untuk membuatnya unik, jadi gampang diingat.
